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ICTC Emerging Professional Mentorship Initiative (EPMI)

As part of the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee’s (ICTC) renewed mandate and applying the rubric of the Eiger-Xi’an Principles, our scientific committee aims to draw more Emerging Professionals (EP) into the fold of cultural tourism and be involved in our work within ICOMOS. EPs are those professionals who: are 35 years of age or younger, are members of an ICOMOS National Committee; and have a demonstrated professional interest and/or academic background in cultural tourism.

Hence, we are pleased to announce a new ICTC Emerging Professional Mentorship Initiative (EPMI) which connects EPs to ICTC members. This programme aims to promote knowledge exchange between experienced and emerging cultural tourism professionals and to facilitate tangible work experiences and project collaborations in a structured way. The impacts and lessons from the ICTC-EPMI will be evaluated by the ICTC Bureau annually on a 360-degree basis to ensure a robust and meaningful learning process for both mentors and mentees.

  • For mentee to obtain guidance from an experienced professional in the field.
  • For mentor to ensure that knowledge and expertise in cultural tourism and heritage practices is passed on to emerging professionals.
  • To build up expertise in the field through participation in practical work projects and tasks (as opposed to hypothetical classroom work).
  • To provide a practical approach for mentees who are working in government sectors, community organisations and private corporations in a range of professions.
  • To develop critical thinking, communication skills and interpret knowledge in practical projects.
  • To ensure future continuity and sustainability within the ICTC.

  • Exposure and work on real projects and varied tasks such as: reviews of charters and statues, nomination dossiers for World Heritage Sites, work involving policies, recommendations and studies, working in public engagement/outreach, stakeholder relations, roundtable discussions, workshops, seminar and conferences (at local, national and international levels).
  • While addressing new goals, skills or areas of interest that want to be more developed or explored, connections can be made with other experts or professionals (networking).
  • Goals should be revisited during check in to ensure that project is meeting mentee/mentor expectations.

